tar…feathers are from stockholm sweden. initially just marcus nyke but now made up of 3 or 4 members, live and on record. they play INDIE ROCK that’s not a million miles away from early modest mouse or wolf parade mixed with xiu xiu. lots of scratchy and stabby clean guitar coupled with funny yelping vocals. neato! this album sounds awkward. but a good awkward. like it was made by the kid that was never that popular in school but totally dug all the rad stuff like poetry and looking at the stars. he probably never had a girlfriend, instead opting for classic literature and painting. i dunno, its ACE either way, and he manages to pull out melodies like nobodies business - i wanna know where he keeps them! there are a couple of mediocre tracks (tada comes to mind), but on the whole this is very good. you may take a while to get used to the vocals. perhaps an acquired taste, yes. but if was it even there? and forever is quite some time don't getcha jiving then i just don't know what to think of you anymore.
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