Thursday, December 24, 2009

a day in black and white - notes

so i've been superbad at uploading lately, very sorry! hopefully i'll get a decent amount of stuff done over the holidays. anyway, a day in black and white were (indefinite hiatus) a D.C rock band. skramz kids went crazy for their first record ('cowboys...'), so this one kinda panned because it was so different and didn't have gutty screaming, big build ups, and OCTAVE guitar. this kinda sucked because this record is much better. its more mature, the recording is absolutely spot ON, and there is a certain (D.C) groove that has been missing from modern hardcore/emo. this sounds like it was released by dischord..., even if it was put out by level plane. i think that's what put a lot of people off this record when it came out. it sounds more like fugazi or q and not u (even sonic youth) than city of caterpillar. produced by kurt ballou it has some of the best sounding drums i've heard. damn! and ok, i have to admit there are a one or two duff tracks on this. sometimes it kicks into some pretty predictable and lazy patterns, but by keeping this record short (30 minutes) you don't get bored. so one or two duff tracks yes, but jeezzzo there are some seriously seriously SERIOUSLY max-out-woah songs on this that will get you so pumped. a literal tale, lame duck, a good turn (!!!), roland's right (bass is so tight on this one. so is the ending). MAN! these guys know how to write a song. so yeah, get this record. it sucks they kinda faded away without much credit for notes cos this slays like a major.

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